Stepping into the darkness and solemnity of Holy Week deepens the joy and meaning of Easter.

Mar 26, 2024

Easter Sunday is not just about eggs and bunnies and dressing up nice for the church year. Indulging yourself in the presence of Jesus Christ throughout the activities during the holy week makes the celebration more fun and meaningful. Lenten season commemorates the main event in Christianity—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The traditions celebrated during the week give Christians faith that they will have resurrected lives in heaven. By engaging in the Lenten season, individuals can enhance their spirituality and strengthen their relationship with God, readying themselves for the celebration of Easter and the resurrection's promise of everlasting life.

What is the significance of each day during Mahal na Araw o Semana Santa and Easter?

We all know that the week of dark reflections on the events leading up to Easter, starting with Palm Sunday, but what is being celebrated during the holy week traditions?

Palm Sunday

The celebration of Jesus' triumphant arrival in Jerusalem. This Sunday is before Easter, and people usually celebrate it by carrying out the parade in which Jesus rode a donkey while waving palm branches. The second day of Holy Week, or Holy Monday, comes immediately after Palm Sunday. On his second day, Jesus is described in the Bible as imparting lessons and engaging in debate with the religious authorities on Holy Monday and the following day (Holy Tuesday). Holy Tuesday is also known as Fig Tuesday because it remembers the day Jesus came to Jerusalem from Bethany and passed a barren fig tree—which he used as an example to instruct his disciples.

The next day, Holy Wednesday, also called Spy Wednesday. "Spy Wednesday" refers to Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus Christ. (Not to be confused with Ash Wednesday, as that day only marks the beginning of the Lent season.) Christian doctrine holds that on this day, Judas consented to turn on Jesus to the authorities, which ultimately resulted in Jesus's arrest and execution. The idea that Judas was functioning as an informant or betrayer is reflected in the term "spy."

Maundy Thursday

Also known as the Holy Thursday, the day honors the Last Supper banquet. During many Maundy Thursday services, the altar is stripped, and feet are washed to erase any reminders of Jesus from the church in honor of his death days.

Good Friday

Recalls the day of Jesus' crucifixion on the wooden cross. Many people mark this day by praying at stations of the cross. It is the gloomiest day of the liturgical year.

Holy Saturday

Depicts the day that Jesus was laid to rest in the empty tomb

Easter Sunday

The last day of the holy week. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place during this day, ending the holy week altogether.

Meaningful Holy Week Activities To Make Easter More Joyful (Even at Your Condo)

Now that you know what's happening during the Holy Week and Easter Sunday. When someone says, "Let us celebrate holy week and easter," You would think about spending a solemn day visiting many churches, spending the week to pray with your family at the church, and just having a fun time overall during Semana Santa, right? Right, but you can still enjoy the week leading to Easter Sunday at your condo and have a wonderful time. Why not celebrate the holy week with a Passover meal while you spend time to commemorate Jesus' resurrection this easter morning?

Many of those who have not decided what to do with this weekday off are still considering their alternatives in their houses and apartments. Life inevitably gets in the way, as we all know. It is possible that we will not be able to fully utilize the one week that should be set apart from the others due to work or school, other interests, or even family responsibilities. Our weariness sometimes prevents us from experiencing Holy Week rather than our activities.

Starting the activities during Holy Week

Immerse yourself with prayers from Palm Sunday through Good Friday.

Pray and reflect on what you read from the Gospel and Psalms daily. This is a lovely way to follow Jesus from Palm Sunday until Good Friday as He goes through His Passion. This coming Palm Sunday is an excellent opportunity to grow spiritually during Holy Week. Take daily action to strengthen your faith, like creating a prayer based on the Bible, watching the live stream of church masses, and reading the Bible and daily scriptures.

Make your personal space shining, shimmering, and splendid just in time for holy week activities.

An age-old custom states that in many places, the three days after Palm Sunday are dedicated to the most intensive housecleaning of the year. Family and their children of young age, especially younger children, can help change curtains, clean windows, cleanse and wax floors and furniture, and eliminate unnecessary or unwanted items gathered over months. Little time is wasted on routine supper, and the meals are light and informal. Everything must be shiny and back in its proper place by Wednesday night, just in time for family devotions or simple Passover meal get-togethers.

Stations of the cross but artsy?

Extended getaways are perfect for bringing out great ideas. Instead of purchasing interior decorations, why not make your own? Making projects at home that incorporate the 14 stations can be meaningful for children to show love and engage with Christian tradition. Reflect on the significance of each station and its symbolism to turn regular materials like paper and cardboard into unique projects.

Honor the Last Supper

Spending time with your family by sitting down to breakfast and reaching out to loved ones to stay in touch. Re-enact Jesus and his disciples' last supper by making a modified dinner yourself can be done with reverence and respect. As simple as unleavened bread to symbolize the bread shared by Jesus and his disciples. For wine, you can select red wine, which is traditionally used in Christian rituals. The Last meal was a Passover meal. Passover lamb or chicken can be a central dish. Season it with herbs like rosemary, thyme, and garlic for flavor.

Holy Friday: Venerate the Cross

To venerate the cross at home, choose a cross that has special meaning for you, set up a sacred space, get ready spiritually, approach the cross with reverence, offer prayers or reflections, touch or kiss the cross if you'd like, consider its meaning, end with a blessing, and continue regularly to establish a stronger spiritual bond.

More importantly, rest.

During Black Saturday, The Gospel of Luke only explains what happened that day: "On the sabbath, they rested according to the commandment" (Luke 23:56). Observing Black Saturday at home entails serious contemplation, prayer, and solitary thinking. Start your day in prayer or quiet, considering the significance of Jesus' burial following his crucifixion. Take up spiritual activities such as reading holy books, meditating, or keeping a journal, and use the time to reflect on the events of Holy Week.

Giving back to the community and spending time with loved ones are two aspects of Mahal na Araw. It is a time for introspection, rebirth spiritually, and charitable deeds. Make it a priority to spend time with loved ones through meals, chats, attending church services together, or even doing a processional through your home with palm branches and singing. If you don't have any, use plants or candles. If singing feels awkward, play Matt Maher's LMaher'sf Saints or Read Matthew 21:1–11, the gospel story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Use this opportunity to build relationships, provide assistance, and show compassion and love to others in your community. You commemorate the spirit of Mahal na Araw and embody its message of sacrifice and solidarity by giving back and spending time with loved ones.

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