Owning Your Own Condo Unit Parking Space

Feb 19, 2023

We all want to live conveniently, so we make sure that as much as possible we will make it happen for us.

It is good to have a happy and comfortable life. Who doesn’t want that? We always try to do our best to dream and make that dream come true.

We dream of good things for our lives. We want to achieve new milestone every now and then. These aspirations in our lives makes us live comfortably and happily. 

Most of us has always set our mind to be persevere, go-getter, and to not stop dreaming and working hard. We believe that the first milestone we could have as a person is to earn a degree. Thus, this is one of the great things the majority has in their minds.

We believe that earning a degree is an advantage in the world that we are currently living in. Opportunities are visibly there for us where we can excel in our chosen field, and furthermore earn money to make our lives comfortable than before. 

Ironically, some of the dreams that we want for ourselves is to have new clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelries. More so and on a large scale basis, we also want to have investments like in life insurance, lot, new house or condo, and to have our very first owned-car. 

We see long-term goals and dreams as we know that setting this standard within ourselves will make us feel and sense the importance of life. 

Life teaches us lessons, as well as these kinds of dreams.

We can take these things as material possessions or luxuries, but we must admit that it somehow makes our hard work and sacrifices worth it. It make everything worthwhile, and it also teaches us how to think as it is and outside the box.

Lessons can also be seen and gained in these material possessions. Just by looking at your “first” luxury, you tend to know how much you wanted it to grow that will also benefit you and your life in general. 

Imagine earning your Bachelor’s degree then landing your first job. How good it feels, right?

You can now start earning and saving money to finally start helping or providing for your family, and buying and having your most desired material possessions and investments.

With that being said, it is also very evident to be mindful and wise about what to purchase, and how to maintain it in a long-term arrangement so you can really make it an essential part of your life. 

You need to be cautious of the other things that you should consider that links to it in between. With these, you can make your life more comfortable and happier without having to worry about bringing nuisance to the people around you.

Convenience should also be one of your goals for your life. A happier, more comfortable, and convenient life is all what we generally wanted. 

Thus, we want to purchase our very first investment in a new home or in a condo in the Philippines. 

One worthy luxury we could have in our life is to have our new home or new condo. This can really set a high-standard when it comes to long-term investment. 

It feels good to have a new house or condo not just for us, but also for our family. 

Purchasing one is a sign that we are one-step closer to make our lives comfortable, convenient and happier. We start to buy new furniture, decorations, and other essentials for our new condo. These things are indeed important.

Still, start thinking outside of the box. More than prioritizing buying the usual needs for our new condo, a condo-owner should also prioritize in owning a parking space. Whether you have your own car or thinking to have your own car, it is also essential to have your own condo parking lot as well as to know the condo’s parking rules and regulations. 

Advantages or Reasons Why You Should Have Your Own Condo Parking Space:

1. Safe and secured space for your car

If you are a car-owner or thinking to have your own car, you probably want to make your car safe and secure from stealing and the likes. So, having your own condo parking space will much guarantee a safe and secure space for your car.

2. Owned condo parking space is also an investment

Owned condo parking space has its own title besides your purchased condo unit. This definitely serves as your another wise investment. 

3. Your car will not be prone to tow

Owning parking spaces in a condo in the Philippines is a great and wise way to prevent your car from illegal parking that may result to towing. Wise decision, indeed. Knowing your condo’s parking rules and regulations should always be considered. 

4. You can lease your owned condo parking lot

You can still earn money from your owned condo parking lot by allowing your neighbor condo unit owners to lease or rent it out. Moreover, it is also better to know your condo’s parking rules and regulations so there will be no mishaps along the way of negotiations.

5. Less Nuisance of finding your own parking space

Here in the Philippines, parking spaces or lots is limited. So, having your own parking space can help you worry about where to park.

6. It gives more value to your condo unit and to you as a condo and parking space owner

A condo unit with an owned parking space is more ideal to secondary condo buyers. You, as a condo owner, can add more price to your condo unit due to your owned parking space. It is definitely a win-win situation on both ends. 

7. Well-maintained

Your owned condo parking space is definitely located within your condo parking area, thus this leads to a well-maintained parking space. You do not need to worry more on how you can make and keep your parking space clean and well-maintained. 

Nevertheless, owning a parking space in the condos in the Philippines is a wise decision as long as you will be cautious enough to know the things that you should consider upon having it. 

If you want to make all these possible, you can contact us through email [email protected], follow @VistaResidencesOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube, or call the Marketing Office at 0999 886 4262 / 0917 582 5167.

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