As the youngest Nobel Prize laureate and Pakistani activist, Malala Yousafzai, quote, "I raise up my voice - not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard… We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.".
What is Women Empowerment?
Women Empowerment is a collective effort to recognize women as capable of making their own choices, raising their status, and voicing out their opinions, whether it be regarding politics, education, workplace, and in the community.
But before we dive deeper into what Women Empowerment is, let us first discuss what this movement is not. For instance, some people often get the wrong idea about empowering women, as they think this is a notion that puts women on top of the gender social hierarchy. Thus, girls will get more favors, benefits, and other things that men are usually fond of receiving. On the contrary, Women Empowerment is nothing like that - in fact, it revolves around the idea of gender equality where females are given fair treatment as men when talking about self-worth, politics, educational rights, and workplace literacy.
Over the years, we undoubtedly cannot deny how women face more challenges when aiming to reach the top compared to men. Additionally, they are given the lesser privilege to choose what they want with their lives rightfully. To illustrate, most young women are forced to stay at home doing domestic work instead of going to school. What is more, data shows that millions of underage women are married off every year for dowry? But on a lighter note, Women Empowerment is getting so much more attention, activists, and support nowadays all throughout the world. And although there are still countries with persistent gaps in gender equality, empowered women will not stop fighting for other people's rights, as they should.
Tips to Become Your Own Boss
Women are undeniably more than capable of dominating when they put their hearts and minds into it. But before acquiring that confidence and drive, women have to conquer a series of steps in this male-driven society. After all, we cannot blame females for having lower self-awareness because from the beginning, men are much more highly-favored in most industries.
Know who you are and what you want
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants." - Coco Chanel.
Of course, when the queen of the fashion world says some queenly things, we should never disagree! With that, the first step into unlocking a successful leader in you is by recognizing your talents, passion, and being self-aware. In doing so, you will develop confidence in your craft, thus allowing you to discover just how much you can contribute despite facing challenges brought about by this male-dominated industry.
If you are aware of your potential and deeply rooted in who you truly are, you will not get compromised in whichever field you want to lead. To put it bluntly, you do not have to be "more like men" to reach the top. In fact, this is where most women fail - they tend to change things about themselves, their personality, and other traits, thinking that this will make them better women leaders. But in reality, you do not have to change a thing, sister! Of course, self-growth is still crucial, but this does not mean to change who you are. You are fine as you are, and when your boss sees how you flourish, this will make them want to put you in charge. After all, we must all live by what Emma Watson, an ambassador for United Nations' Women's HeForShe campaign, said, "I found that ultimately if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in - even if it makes you vulnerable - amazing things can and will happen."
Be committed, caring, and competent
Women leaders have to be successful in what they advocate to be. And one way of doing that is staying committed to your goals and focusing on reaching the top. Going through the complicated process will not be a big deal if you have that initiative and dedication. Not to mention getting places and acquiring positions in society takes a long time, so commitment is a vital aspect you must work on.
On the other hand, women are naturally more empathetic than men, and it is time for you to turn that into a strength rather than a weakness. In particular, caring is also one of a woman leader's essential traits. After all, both men and women leaders alike must show genuine appreciation and respect to gain cooperation from the people they handle at work or in other fields as well. This way, you will make them feel just how much you are willing to work with them and maximize their potential. Indeed, Teddy Roosevelt did not make a mistake when he said, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
Without a doubt, women have to work twice as hard to earn recognition as men. Given that, you must have competence in what you do because if otherwise, being committed and caring will not suffice to keep you on top. But of course, in becoming competent, you must first view yourself as a competent, capable woman. With that awareness, you will not let anyone stop you from attaining your role to lead. In addition, you should not lose the drive to learn, progress continually, and get better at what you are doing because that is what reaching the top means.
Step out of your comfort zone
Women often live their lives within the walls of boxes they do not want to leave. People can't blame them for doing this because females experience inferiority the moment they are born. As a matter of fact, a study by Hewlett-Packard talks about the internal hiring process and how men and women differ in this case. For instance, men apply for jobs when they meet 60% of the qualifications, while women only apply if they meet all or a hundred percent. This is a sad, unconscious belief that women should learn to overcome - and it starts with you. You should get over playing safe and start swinging high like what all men are taught to do with their lives.
And although self-doubt is not an easy obstacle to overthrow, gradual progress is still progress. However, before you focus on overcoming it, try recognizing the fear first. Once you are done accepting it, you can move on to diminishing it and finally stepping out of your comfort zone.
Do not just simply smile; make a fabulous smirk! Do not just aim for straight A's just like what other people expect from you, but rather, love what you do and enjoy every moment of your life. That way, you will live for yourself, become the leader you want to be, and inspire women to be empowered worldwide.
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