Condo living has grown in popularity as a housing alternative in the Philippines. This is because the population in the city has been gradually increasing, and the concept of small rooms appears to be more convenient for people presently in this urbanization in the country.
However, condo living also has its downsides—one of them is noise. Because the building company needs to consider every money invested, the walls are not made of especially substantial materials. To add, the units in the condominium buildings, on the other end, are generally adjacent to each other—meaning they are not soundproof.
These concerns do not represent a significant problem because the condo buildings are of decent construction quality. However, having children or boisterous neighbors can cause problems because different sounds can enter through multiple outlets such as doors and windows. Some of you may even have neighbors who enjoy loud music. It is usual to be able to hear some sound via shared walls. Soundproofing is required if you can hear your neighbors on the other side of the wall.
Are Your Condo Walls, Floors, and Ceilings Soundproof?
The first thing we need to do is to figure out where the noise can pass through. How thin are our walls? How creaky are our floors? Are our ceilings able to absorb loud sounds? If you're not satisfied with the quality, then it's time to consider soundproofing your condo walls, floors, and ceilings.
Soundproofing a condo may transform a common wall, ceiling, or floor into an impenetrable barrier, keeping noise out while increasing privacy. Here in the Philippines, where most people are naturally festive, the only natural next step is to soundproof the walls of your condo.
However, how do you soundproof your condo walls, floors, and ceilings? Worry not now because we are here to provide some tips on soundproofing your condo.
Fill the Possible Gaps
A well-insulated wall might be compromised by cracks and holes everywhere. It is vital to seal gaps around doors and windows and fill voids to guarantee that another soundproofing material is correct. Find the gaps, and close the cracks.
Most of these gaps that reduce the effectiveness of soundproofing your condo walls come from the doors and windows. Start checking and sealing the holes and cracks from which the noise can enter. Replace your hollow door with a solid, heavy-set door if possible. If it is not an option or is not permitted, your best bet is to buy an acoustic door seal kit and apply it to your existing door. These close the gaps around the door's edge and prevent noise transfer. A low-cost alternative is to add pipe insulation foam to the base of the door. As for your windows, soundproofing window inserts provide window insulation that simultaneously reduces and absorbs sound. Installing window inserts is a simple and effective method of soundproofing that won't break the bank or create any harm, so you won't need your landlord's permission to do so.
Switch Up to Soundproof Alternative Decors
Adding strategically placed decorations to your home will help to reduce outside noise. What's the connection, you ask? The sound will bounce off various things, dampening it significantly. The outside noise will bounce off your furnishings before it reaches you. Remember that sound travels better on hard surfaces and is absorbed by soft ones such as cotton, felt, or wool.
Using heavy books on numerous bookshelves to create a sound barrier is a reasonably successful method. When combined, books and shelves form a strong barrier through which sound is difficult to penetrate, effectively acting as a second wall in your flat. If your floors are bare, consider adding thick rugs to help dampen the noise—the wider the carpet, rugs, or wall hangings, the better the sound absorption. You can also use heavy curtains to keep outside noise at bay. You may also use them to cover inside doors to decrease the sound coming in from the hallway.
These materials help reduce the sound of footsteps and objects falling within the apartment, reducing echo and noise. You'll not only make your space quieter; it is also a slightly cheaper alternative than installing high-end soundproofing materials.
Invest in Soundproofing Barriers
If you're playing the drums or you need to soundproof your condo to a great extent, just alternative furniture and add-on cotton rugs won't be able to help you much. Installing sound barriers is the most popular option for reducing noise in the city. However, it is essential to remember that the audio barrier solution is one of the most expensive sound insulation methods. The premium quality and excellent sound insulation equipment can be a little pricey. Noise barriers are one of the most expensive ways to soundproof a room, but they are also one of the most effective. So, if you're not on a tight budget, you should consider acquiring them.
One excellent method for reducing bleeding sounds is to use soundproof padding. Have you ever noticed how producers use foam squares in their recording studios? You can obtain larger versions of these to affix to your walls to dampen vibrations. You can also consider soundproof curtains or blankets for better coverage.
Any cushioning against a wall will work to a degree if you're on a budget. For example, you may arrange an upright mattress against the wall to considerably reduce noise (only to a certain degree, though). It wouldn't look good, and it may not be as effective, but it would get the job done.
Soundproofing Done, Worries Be Gone
Whether it's just the noise from the heavy traffic outside, your kettle whistling, or your condo neighbors inviting guests over the night and having a loud karaoke competition, condo soundproofing here in the Philippines is a standard option knowing how loud and disruptive our environments can be. There are different ways to soundproof your condo, so you can choose whatever you think is best for your situation. You can stick to cheap alternatives when soundproofing your condo wall to not damage your budget, but here's one important thing to remember when choosing your soundproofing method: temporary fixes aren't going to give the same effectiveness when it comes to noise-canceling as compared to permanent methods. That is why it is important to think wisely!
Now that we have given you tips on how to soundproof your condo, you can live peacefully without being too disturbed by noises from outside and without worrying about the outside with your noises from the inside of your condo unit. However, canceling the noise doesn't give you the privilege of being as loud as you want. It is standard condo etiquette to stay respectful. Thus, even with your soundproof walls, keep in mind that you should still respect your condo neighbors and minimize your noises (or tell them to minimize theirs) to live in a problem-free condominium building!
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